More Subjects to be taught in Middle School: Korean War
742. The Field of the Study of The Middle Ages Korea To Until Japanese Occupation
743. The Field of the Study of The Japanese Occupation
744. The Field of the Study of The Sino-Japanese War 1
745. The Field of the Study of The Sino-Japanese War 2
746. The Field of the Study of The Korean Independence Movement
747. The Field of the Study of Korea During World War 1
748. The Field of the Study of Korea During World War 2
749. The Field of the Study of The Korea At The And Of World War 2
750. The Field of the Study of The Partition of Korea
a. North Korea occupied by The Soviet Union
b. South Korea occupied by The United States of America
751. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s Government Structure
752. The Field of the Study of South Korea’s Government Structure
753. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s Reasons For War: Unification
754. The Field of the Study of South Korea’s Reasons For War: Survival And Unification
755. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s Backing
a. China and USSR
756. The Field of the Study of South Korea’s Backing
a. United States of America
757. Massacres
758. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s Invasion of South Korea
759. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s and South Korea’s Conduct of War
760. The Field of the Study of The First Battle of Seoul
761. The Field of the Study of North Korea’s Advance
762. The Field of the Study of Busan Perimeter
763. The Field of the Study of UN Involvement In The War
764. The Field of the Study of NATO Involvement In The War
765. The Field of the Study of Air War In South Korea
766. The Field of the Study of Air War In North Korea
767. The Field of the Study of UN Counterattack at Seoul
768. The Field of the Study of The Recapture of Seoul by UN Forces
769. The Field of the Study of Relief For Busan Perimeter
770. The Field of the Study of The UN Marches North Of The 38th Parameter
771. The Field of the Study of UN Capture of Pyeongyang; North Korea
772. The Field of the Study of UN Forces Close To The Yellow River, Border of China
773. The Field of the Study of China Invades North Korea And Pushes Back UN Forces To 38TH Parallel
774. The Field of the Study of Chosin Valley Battle
775. The Field of the Study of China’s Forces Capture of Seoul
776. The Field of the Study of UN Forces Recapture of Seoul
777. The Field of the Study of Stalemate On The 38th Parallel
778. The Field of the Study of The Navel Battles
779. The Field of the Study of The Signing of The Cease Fire
780. The Field of the Study of North Korea and South Korea Conflict
781. The Field of the Study of Post War Recovery For North Korea And South Korea
a. North Korea devastation and the aid North Korea received
b. South Korea devastation and the aid South Korea received
782. The Field of the Study of the Paths of Post War Growth And Reconstruction of North Korea And South Korea
783. Takeaways of The War
a. United States of America Foreign Policy
b. Development of EU Foreign Policy
c. Development of North Korea Foreign Policy
d. Development of South Korea Foreign Policy
e. The effects of the War on Pacific Area
Thank you
Annu Daniel & Rohit Daniel